Support K 2 M - 3.1 Receiver
Since the machines of the T+A K-series incorporate modules which exploit innovative Flash technology, it is possible to update the machine's software without opening the case.
The current update package is available for this version of the machine. It offers the following new features:
T+A K2 M Version: P 1.70 (21/06/13)
The update process may be interfered by devices which have been connected to the serial interface of the K2M. This is particularly true for connected LOEWE TVs.
So please disconnect the serial connection or the mains cable of the connected device before starting the update !!!
Depending on the current version of the K2M software it may be necessary to perform the update process twice. After the first run please check the software version in the "software update menu" and if the shown number differs from the one mentioned later in this document, please start the update process again.
New / improved functions: (GEN) = General, (SCL) = Streaming Client, (FM) = FM tuner, (GW) = Gateway
- APP support
- Loewe TVs controllable by FD100 / APP
- For source TV the audio input can be selected as analog/optical/coaxial
- Improved search function (edit of searchstring is possible)
- Shows Radiotext
Firmwareupdate via USB-stick