Solitaire P-SE

The Solitaire P-SE headphones

The Solitaire P-SE is based on the Solitaire P, which in itself was a new and ground-breaking development, incorporating a highly refined application of the magnetostatic principle. Like all our headphones the Solitaire P-SE is of uncompromising design, since it was conceived with a single aim in mind: music reproduction in perfection.
From the TPM 2500 converter system to the headband connections every single component and sub-assembly is manufactured to the tightest possible tolerances using precision tools. The headphones’ construction employs various plastics with differing characteristics, selected according to function and specific application: the cups exhibit very high internal damping, the yokes and headband attachments are mechanically strong and extremely robust. The surfaces are finished in special top-quality lacquers developed for aviation applications. The sophisticated design of the TPM 2500, in conjunction with the magnet arrangement, the sound duct and the diaphragm, linearises the sound field and the radiation characteristics. Music is reproduced in its purest form: the Solitaire P-SE shows the music for what it is. Natural, totally faithful reproduction is the first commandment of all T+A devices.

Construction and Material

Many planar-magnetic headphones share the problems of low efficiency, very low impedance and considerable weight, and we were determined from the outset to avoid these drawbacks in our design. A crucial factor in this purpose was the adoption of a new approach to problem solving. We invested considerable effort in the design, and insisted on the use of the finest available materials. The headphones incorporate several close-tolerance sub-assemblies which fit together snugly; they can only be manufactured using precision tools to ensure that they meet our requirements for tolerances in the hundredths of a millimetre. The net result is consistently perfect fits. The ear cushions and head band are hand-made, and manufactured for us by a specialist company here in Germany. They consist of allergen-free synthetic leather and velours, and are specially selected to suit the specification of the Solitaire P-SE. Right at the development stage we laid the foundation for a very enjoyable wearing experience; contact with the skin is pleasant even when the headphones are worn for long periods.

Headphone Cable

In the pursuit of optimum sound the quality of the connecting cables is a crucial link in the chain. Ours are of symmetrical construction, with very low inductivity and capacitance, and designed with the optimum impedance. They consist of ultra-pure copper (OFC) conductors with a carefully defined silver layer. The four signal conductors are embedded in cotton threads, and permanently wrapped in a silver-plated woven shield. This construction isolates electro-magnetic influences, and damps mechanical resonances. The connectors are of the highest quality. The headphones themselves are fitted with special 3.5mm barrel connectors, which – like the sockets at the headphone end – are finely gold-plated, and exhibit zero transfer resistance. The entire cable harness, including connectors and splitters, is encased and sheathed in a single manufacturing process, resulting in an extremely robust, durable cable which remains very flexible The cable insulators consist of high-quality Hytrel® and TPE; these elastomers are free of PVC and latex, and are manufactured without the addition of toxic softening agents. Two cable sets are supplied with the headphones as standard: one with a 6.3 mm barrel connector, and the second with a symmetrical 4.4 mm Pentaconn connector which offers optimum transfer resistance for the best possible sound quality. As an option, a lead terminating in a four-pin XLR connector can be supplied instead of the 4.4mm Pentaconn cable set.


The Solitaire P-SE is driven by our in-house transducer TPM 2500. The TPM 2500 is a derivative of our flagship transducer TPM 3100, both are developed and handmade in Herford. The high-performance neodymium magnets of the TPM 2500 are made with an accurately calculated segment shape as well as being precisely matched in length to suit the oval outline of the diaphragm; this ensures that the magnetic field lines generated have a homogeneous course, and that no air turbulence occurs; the airflow remains laminar at all times. The precise design of the retaining rings and the magnet mount maintains the diaphragm’s position accurately in the linear part of the magnetic field, ensuring that it is able to generate high sound pressures without distortion and with an enormous dynamic range, virtually devoid of inertia. This design also eliminates the need for opposed magnet systems, helping to keep the headphones’ weight low. The diaphragm is able to vibrate freely in the direction of the ear cushions, since there is no acoustic hindrance between the transducer diaphragm and the ear. The diaphragm of the TPM 2500 itself consists of a special ultra-thin – and therefore ultra-lightweight – film material, coated with an accurately routed and calculated conductor array whose impedance is around 45 Ohm.
The open construction of the Solitaire P-SE avoids the resonance problems of closed systems, and allows the diaphragm to vibrate unimpeded; the music signal is maintained in its full, unadulterated form.


Solitaire P-SE Headphones

Transducer principle



45 Ohms

Frequency responce

8 Hz - 45 kHz


< 0,015 % @ 100 dB

Maximum sound pressure level

> 130 dB

Transducer size

elliptic 110 x 80 mm

Type of construction

Open, over ear


Wired transmission (3m), un-balanced 6.35 mm, balanced 4.4 mm Pentaconn or


Thermo plastic, steel, allergen-free synthetic leather and velour


440 g excl. cable

Technical modifications reserved



Catalogue Solitaire P-SE

User manual

User manual Solitaire P-SE




Value and Conclusion

For the 3900 USD price point,  T+A managed to nail down all the worries you can have when purchasing a high-end headphone, including the comfort, build quality, but also deliver the exceptional sonic performance that makes it a true flagship that can take on the whole world. Despite it having a rather steep price for a headphone, the value is incredibly high, this is a headphone you can’t really upgrade from unless spending a couple of thousand USD more, so in its price range it delivers the absolute top performance.

Den gesamten Testbericht lesen... 10/2022

T+A Solitaire P- SE - alone in a room crowded with music(ians)

The Solitaire P- SE headphones do not live up to their name. Listen to music with them and you will never feel solitary again.

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Hi-Fi Plus Awards 11/2021

Headphone of The Year Award

There’s enough space available on the soundstage for each instrument to be described in full.

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Audio Poland 11/2021

Planarne Rewelacje

W tym teście występują tylko...i aż dwa modele jednej firmy. Takich
porównań nie dokonujemy często, ale tym razem przemawiały za tym
specjalne argumenty i do pewnego stopnia przypadek.

Den gesamten Testbericht lesen... 11/2021

Ohren verwöhnen

T+A ist noch relativ neu im Kopfhörergeschäft. Aber die Erfahrungen aus dem jahrzehntelangen Bau hochwertiger Audio-Komponenten und Lautsprecher spiegelt sich hundertprozentig in der Kombination aus Kopfhörer-Verstärker T+A HA 200 und Kopfhörer T+A Solitaire P-SE wider. Beide sind mit handwerklicher Perfektion gefertigt und dazu optisch reizvoll. Überragend gelingt die Abbildung von Grob- und Feindynamik, harmonischen Strukturen, griffiger Körperhaftigkeit und einem erstaunlichen Detailreichtum. Ganz sicher gibt es kaum etwas, womit man seine Ohren besser verwöhnen kann. Eigentlich schade, dass ich dieses Duo nicht auf Rezept verschreiben kann.

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HiFi Critic 6/2021

High End Headphones
This is not a headphone you’ll buy for the looks and even a twenty minute listen might not completely sell you on the level of ability here. The more time you spend with the P-SE, though, the more that understated but hugely effective design begins to win you over as the sheer effortlessness of the performance makes itself felt. For sixty percent
of the price of the Solitaire P, this is considerably more than two thirds of the performance and that makes it something of a bargain, even at the asking price. T+A’s headphone range is up and running –I’m very interested to see where it goes next.

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Hi-Fi Plus 4/2021

Solitaire P-SE Open-back headphones

These are the headphonistas; the personal audio sound hounds for whom only the best is good enough. And for them, the T+A Solitaire P-SE is a strong contended in 'best of breed' for open-back planar magnetic headphones. In pure sound terms, few come close.

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Audio Test 5/2021

Die Musikerschaffer

Es gibt Kopfhörer und es gibt Musikerschaffer. Zu den Zweitgenannten gehören die Solitaire P-SE von T+A. Sie erzeugen einen eigenen musikalischen Raum, der schöner klingt als das bestmöglich akustisch abgestimmte Zimmer mit der hochwertigsten Musikanlage. Und unter diesem Aspekt ist der Preis absolut angemessen.

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Hifi Choice 6/2021

T+A has somehow shaved as much as 40 percent off the price of the flagship P while retaining more than 60 percent of its capability. It’s still unquestionably an expensive headphone, but the sheer levels of
performance on offer and the quality of the build and design means it ranks as one of the very finest headphones anywhere near the price.

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Stereo 4/2021

Der Verfolger -  Vezicht üben, ohne zu leiden

Die Liebe zum Detail macht sich auch klanglich positiv bemerkbar, denn wenn man sich mit dem Solitaire P-SE beschäftigt, fügt sich ein Zahnrädchen ins andere, nirgendwo hakt es, nirgendwo entsteht auch nur ansatzweise das Gefühl, hier könnte irgendwas nicht stimmen. Die gesamte Darbietung ist von einer Mühelosigkeit und Spritzigkeit gekennzeichnet, die mitreißend ist. Auch tonal lässt der "Verfolger" nichts anbrennen, bleibt dem Spitzenmodell Solitaire P sehr dicht auf den Fersen.

Hi-Fi Plus 3/2021

Solitaire P-SE open-back headphones

And for them, the T+A Solitaire P-SE is a strong contended in "best of breed" for open back planar magnetic headphones. In pure sound terms, few come closer.

Low Beats 2/2021

Solitaire P-SE - Überragendes günstiger gemacht

Gibt es noch Luft nach oben? Vielleicht. Aber es interessiert mich nicht. Hier ist mein neuer Liebling. Was mich wirklich glücklich macht: der kleine Bruder erreicht das Niveau seines Luxus-Verwandten. Diese Vielfalt an Impulsen, diese Macht, diese Feinheit – das ist ein ganz dicker Kauftipp. Jeder, der high-endige Sinne hat, sollte schon einmal ein Sparbuch anlegen.

Forbes 1/2021

T+A’s Solitaire P-SE Headphones Offer The Magic Sound Of Planar-Magnetic Drivers At A Lower Price

Verdict: With something like the T+A Solitaire P-SE headphones, you get exactly what you pay for. Ideally, you’d want to use them with T+A’s stunning HA 200 headphone amplifier, possibly one of the most beautiful pieces of audio kit I’ve seen in a while. This is the Rolls-Royce of headphone amplifiers and will set you back more than $7,000. However, it’s the perfect partner for the Solitaire P or Solitaire P-SE headphones. These headphones are made for people who do most of their listening through headphones in a dedicated music room. I think there’s little to beat the Solitaire P range and the lower price of the P-SE doesn’t appear to impact unduly on the sound. If you do decide to buy a pair for yourself, just prepare to feel the upgrade itch that will come from listening to these superb headphones through your existing audio setup. You’ll soon be looking to upgrade, just to see if you can squeeze any extra performance from these exquisite headphones.

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Musicalhead 1/2021

Mit dem neuen SOLITAIRE P-SE ist der deutschen Manufaktur T+A aus meiner Sicht zweifellos ein weiterer Meilenstein auf dem Weg ins musikalische Nirvana gelungen. Der orthodynamische Ohrlautsprecher spielt erneut im Spitzenfeld der Weltklasse-Kopfhörer mit und musiziert dabei nicht nur mit vorbildlicher Transparenz, sondern agiert zudem absolut verfärbungsfrei vor einem rabenschwarzen Hintergrund.

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Stereoplay 2/2021

Der neue König
Der Solitaire P-SE fühlte dem Kunstwerk nach -  was für ein Beben, die feinsten Balladen, der harte Rock, dazu viel Luft und Energie. Das ist ein großartiger Mix aus high-endiger Ehrlichkeit und lustvollem Musizieren. Der Superlativ muss sein: Das ist der beste Kopfhörer, den ich je auf den Ohren hatte. Obwohl: Ich durfte auch vom großen Solitaire P naschen. Doch der SE wirkt für mich stimmiger. In Antritt, Pracht und natürlich auch im Preis. Ein Meisterwerk.

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