Studio 45 Hifi GmbH We are looking forward to you! Contact data Audio systems on demoPlease contact the dealer prior to your visit to ensure that the audio system you are looking for is available. MP 3100 HVMulti Source SACD Player PA 3100 HVIntegrated Amplifier PA 2000 RIntegrated Amplifier MP 2000 R MK IIMulti Source Player R 1000 E Multi Source Receiver MP 200Multi Source Player DAC 200D/A Converter-Preamplifier A 200Power Amplifier HA 200Headphone Amplifier Caruso RMulti Source Receiver Caruso All-In-One-System Loudspeakers on demoPlease contact the dealer prior to your visit to ensure that the audio system you are looking for is available. Solitaire S 530Floor-standing speaker Criterion S 2000 CTLFloor-standing speaker Talis S 300Floor-standing speaker Pulsar ST 21Floor-standing speaker Pulsar R 21Bookshelf Speaker Caruso S 10Floor-standing speaker Headphone systems on demoPlease contact the dealer prior to your visit to ensure that the audio system you are looking for is available. Solitaire P-SEPlanar-magnetostatic headphones Solitaire TClosed-back dynamic headphones HA 200Headphone Amplifier Contact data Studio 45 Hifi GmbH Obernstraße 16 28832 Achim T 04202 / 9103434 × Audio SystemsLoudspeakersAccessoriesDealersNewsSupportContactDistributorsDeutsch