A 200
Power Amplifier

The A 200

In designing the A 200 output stage it was our goal to combine maximum amplifier power with audiophile sound characteristics. On the one hand this means 250 Watts of continuous power per channel, and on the other hand this substantial power does not result in a reduction in terms of subtle detail, resolution and fine dynamics. Its heatsinks are both a technical necessity and a design statement: they show off every Watt of power in impressive style as well as ensuring efficient heat dispersion - even under maximum load. The A 200 output stage was developed with the aim of functioning either as a potent complement to an existing system, or as the high-performance end of a perfectly matched chain of specialised audiophile devices in combination with the Series 200.

We only believe in power when we can use it in practice with efficiency and precision. In our search to achieve the optimum blend of sound quality, power and efficiency, we have developed a completely new circuit topology which combines T+A’s unique HV and High-Frequency sine-wave mains power supply technology with that of the PURIFI Eigentakt™ output stages. By this means we have succeeded in converting raw power into unsurpassed audiophile performance. All circuits and circuit boards are designed and executed by our own development team, and the PURIFI modules implemented within them. The damping factor of the A 200 can be reduced if a warmer or softer sound image is desired in combination with particular loudspeakers.


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Output Stage

The A 200 Class D output stages incorporate PURIFI Eigentakt™ technology. This platform, developed by the Danish technology company, is currently the world’s leading fundamental design for Class D output stages, as it eradicates the disadvantages of the previous generation of digital amplifiers. Until now digital amplifier designs were limited by their high dependence on the impedance of the loudspeakers connected to the system, by distortion in the output signal, by phase noise and increased distortion at high power levels. In contrast, the outstanding feature of this new circuit design is its outstanding measured data, making it the obvious choice for audiophile applications

  • Extremely low distortion factor and intermodulation distortion at all power levels
  • Extraordinarily low noise
  • High damping factor
  • Clean clipping
  • Low losses, high efficiency
  • Totally linear frequency response up to 60 kHz
  • Completely loudspeaker-load independent characteristics (see measured curves into 4 Ohms and without loudspeaker-load)

Mains Section

In spite of their advantage in terms of efficiency, conventional switching mains sections have an inherent drawback: they generate interference in the form of induced interference, which has a consistently adverse effect on sound quality. Our response to this is to employ our T+A High-Frequency sine-wave mains sections: their pure sine-wave output and higher frequency - more than twice as high as conventional mains sections - effectively eradicate this interference. The final trace of induced interference is eliminated by the intelligent recharging of the T+A reservoir capacitors fitted to the units. Over many years of development T+A engineers succeeded in developing capacitors which recharge 100,000 times per second - 2,000 times faster than conventional capacitors. This is necessary in order to ensure that they respond to extremely brief signal spikes, and are always able to deliver the correct quantity of electrical energy. Our sine-wave mains sections are “hard” units, i.e. they do not collapse even under the most severe load; they provide the output stages with absolutely constant voltage.

Intelligent Safe Control

Our Intelligent Safe Control (ISC) is comparable with the ABS of a sports car: the micro-controller uses numerous sensors to provide constant monitoring of the temperature, load or clipping states, and intervenes in an intelligent manner in order to return the parameters to their permissible range.

HV Circuit Topology

Our HV circuit technology is unique in the world, and is employed in the voltage amplifier stage. The high operating voltage resulting from the overall circuit design ensures extremely linear reproduction of the audio signals, and provides totally natural imaging and dynamics from every recording - without compromise, and without limitation. The technology also eliminates harsh feedback, to which audio sound is very sensitive.


Frequency Response

The frequency response is totally linear up to 60 kHz and completely independent of the connected loudspeaker. The measured curves show that there is no difference in frequency response between a 4 Ohms loudspeaker load and no loudspeaker load.


Output Stage

Nominal power per channel

250 Watts @ 4 Ohms
125 Watts @ 8 Ohms

Frequency response + 0 / − 3 dB

1 Hz – 60 kHz

Signal to noise ratio

113 dB

THD  /  Intermodulation

< 0,002 % / < 0,002 %

Channel separation

> 103 dB

Damping factor

> 800 / DF LO > 70

Gain factor

37,4 (31,4 dB)

Input sensitivity nominal

High level (RCA) 800 mVeff / 5,8 kOhms
Balanced (XLR) 1,6 Veff / 20 kOhms

Mains / Accessories / Dimensions


220 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz

Power consumption

max. 600 Watts
25 Watts while power on and idling with no signal


< 0,5 Watts

Dimensions (H × W× D)

10 × 32 × 34 cm,
4 x 12.6 x 13.4 inch


Power cord, E2-Link-cable


5 kg, 11 lbs


Alu silver anodized (43), Alu schwarz anodized (42)

Technical modifications reserved



Catalogue Series 200

User manual

User manual A 200


The Absolute Sound 2/2023

T+A Series 200 - Good Things, Small Package

Each individual component is an unqualified success with top-flight sound and undeniable musicality. Meanwhile, the fully loaded stack can go toe to toe with the best modular integrateds at a fraction of their cost. If you’re in the market for a component or a component stack that delivers superb sonics, musicality, value, achingly good looks, and the advantages of separates, along with a small footprint, the Series 200 will remind you that good even great things really do come in small packages.

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hifi.nl 11/2022

Review T+A 200-modellen

Voor dat geld krijg je wel een spectaculair systeem met alle mogelijkheden die je maar kun wensen en een focus op pure geluidskwaliteit.

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Audio Poland 7/2022

Audio 6/2022

Alter, neuer Adel

A 200 - Erstaunliche Kraft, perfektes Zusammenspiel mit den Boxen.
Preis/Leistung: überragend
Ja, es stimmt: für kleines Geld ist diese Kombi nicht zu haben. Aber diese Kraft, diese Feinheit, diese Eleganz, die Verarbeitung, das Design – da werden viele Fans auf dem Erdball sofort ihre Kreditkarte zücken. Wagen wir den Superlativ: Das ist die beste, kompakte Elektronik, der wir je lauschen durften. Der Haben-Wollen-Impuls ist nicht nur mächtig, sondern überbordend.

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Hifi News 5/2022

DAC 200 and A 200

Now a full quartet, T+A’s compact but beautifully formed Series 200 has expanded to
include a media player, DAC/preamp and Purifi Eigentakt Class D stereo power amp. While avoiding any lame jokes about ‘German engineering’, I’m bound to say there’s a wonderful sense of synergy – and not just in build and style – between these two T+A components. The A 200 is a mature-sounding power amp with excellent driving ability, and a perfect partner for the DAC 200’s refi ned, insightful and lightfooted approach. Yes, there’s no networking, but the Series 200 has this covered elsewhere.

Image Hifi 3-4/2022

Eine Kette nur mit starken Gliedern

Die T+A Serie 200 ist bei aller Neutralität und der hohen Auflösung so gekonnt abgestimmt, dass musikalischer Fluss und emotionaler Gehalt der Musik immer erhalten bleiben. Die Wiedergabe gerät stets packend und involvierend. Der Hörer wählt Titel auf Titel, Album auf Album aus und ist entzückt von jedem weiteren, bewegenden Hörerlebnis mit der rundum empfehlenswerten Serie 200. Nach dem Test fällt mir der Abschied schwer.

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LowBeats 12/2021

Fazit – technische Genialität und höchste Musikalität vereint

Falls Sie zwischen den Zeilen meines Berichts eine gewisse Begeisterung wahrgenommen haben, liegen Sie absolut richtig. Ich LIEBE dieses Gespann. Der T+A DAC 200 und die Endstufe A 200 sind genau die Sorte von intelligentem High-End-HiFi, für die ich mir in den Achtzigerjahren die Nase am Schaufenster des HiFi-Händlers plattgedrückt hätte. Auch wenn Nasen-an-Schaufenster-drücken heute nicht mehr en vogue ist: Vielleicht trifft sich der heutige HiFi-Nachwuchs in 20, 30 Jahren ja mal im virtuellen Raum, um die coolsten HiFi-Geräte ihrer Jugend abzufeiern. Die T+A 200-Serie des Jahres 2021 ist dann höchstwahrscheinlich mit dabei.

Für diejenigen, die es sich hier und jetzt leisten können sei gesagt: Sie können Ihr Geld kaum besser in hochklassiges HiFi investieren. Sofern die sich stetig weiter entwickelnden Digitalstandards einem nicht unerwartet einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen, ist der DAC 200 eine sichere Bank auf viele Jahre – insbesondere auch für DSD-Fans. Der rein analoge aber ebenso hochmoderne Endverstärker A 200 sowieso. Und designtechnisch sind diese T+A-Schöpfungen schon jetzt zeitlose Klassiker. Komplettiert mit dem MP 200 Multi Player gehört dieses Midi-System unzweifelhaft zum Feinsten, was HiFi Made in Germany in dieser Preisklasse aktuell zu bieten hat.

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Stereo 12/2021

Zweimal kompakt - einmal großartig

T+A schlägt ein neues Kapitel bei Verstärken mit Class D-Technik auf. Die aktuell vermutlich besten verfügbaren Purifi-Eigentakt-Module wurden mit T+A-Technik weiter verfeinert und auf ein neues Niveau gehoben.

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Stereoplay 12/2021

Schätze der Akustik

T+As clevere D-Endstufe entspringt neuester, auch messtechnisch unangreifbarer Technologie und klingt ebenso kräftig
und ehrlich wie emotional. Alle Vorurteile über die D-Technik sind mit einem Schlag Schnee von gestern.
Was die 200er-Kombi angeht, so steckt die menschliche Komponente unüberhörbar drin. Und zwar in jedem der drei Geräte. Zu kritisieren haben wir hier also rein gar nichts, zumal
neben der bravourösen Kür das highfidele Pflichtenheft ebenso
begeisternd absolviert wird.

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