The Turntable
Contrary to all the predictions, the vinyl disc has managed to sustain and even consolidate its right to exist over a period of several decades. Back in the 1990’s, when the medium was almost completely swamped by the CD, there were many who lamented its lost qualities; especially the almost tactile sound, with its subjectively warmer nature. In comparison with the CD there is no doubt that vinyl is impractical and space-consuming, but precisely for this reason it had something which the new media lacked: a distinctive character.
The old R-series G 1260 R turntable was a very successful design, and we have carried out further development work on it and introduced a number of improvements. The unit now joins the new R-series as a means of reproducing high-quality analogue sound media, capable of setting standards with its sound quality and its unique design features. Although the vinyl disc is an »old« medium, modern turntables have to be designed and developed with great sophistication if the full potential of the disc is to be exploited.