PSD 3100 HV

The Pre-amplifier-Streaming-DAC

The PSD 3100 HV was developed with the requirement to combine the performance of our finest pre-amplifiers and converters with the convenience of use of a multi-source player. With an array of professional digital inputs, FM, FM-HD, DAB+ radio, Bluetooth and Connect services, and streaming for local and global Internet and network sources, the PSD 3100 HV is capable of directly converting everything digital into top-quality analogue signals. As such it can be considered as the consistent audiophile answer to all those whose music collection has left the age of the CD behind. The PSD 3100 HV is the universal control centre for a High-End system, requiring only the connection of suitable power amplifiers or active loudspeakers. At the same time the device embodies our uncompromising scientific methodology: optimum reproduction quality without harmful interaction between the various analogue and digital sub-assemblies is only possible in a multi-function device if it is based on unique technologies and our many decades of expertise.

Streaming & Sources

The core of the PSD 3100 HV is the network circuit board, designed with audiophile standards constantly in mind. Its task is to process incoming WLAN, LAN and USB master-mode signals, and provide access to high-quality streaming services such as Tidal, Qobuz and Deezer. For local applications the new third-generation T+A streaming client directly streams PCM data at a quality of up to 384/32 (HD) from the network, and DSD files with a resolution up to DSD 256.
As well as extraordinarily high reproduction quality, the design of the streaming client concentrates on an equally high level of operating convenience: the streaming services, managed by the free airable Service, and Internet radio stations, can be managed completely automatically in the background.
The contradiction between mobile data transmission and reproduction quality is a long-standing problem, but the PSD 3100 HV overcomes it by employing high-quality transmission and cast protocols, which are even capable of handling uncompressed Flac files without loss of quality.
In addition to Internet radio access, which is integrated into the streaming client, the PSD 3100 HV provides three further radio services: FM, FM-HD and DAB+. These services offer unusually high sound quality thanks to the digital intermediate frequency, demodulation and stereo decoder output stage employed, while the circuit’s high sensitivity enables the PSD to receive even weak signals and process them cleanly: this, the most classic of all signal sources, can only sound so wonderful - via cable and through an aerial - because all these qualities are combined intelligently.

Pre-amplifier & Outputs

The PSD 3100 HV also operates as a top-class pre-amplifier, since it features a Class-A pre-amplifier of discrete construction employing HV technology, a relay-controlled volume control with Balance and Loudness function, switchable tone controls and “State of the Art” double mono output stages. Its high-quality XLR and asymmetrical RCA outputs deliver the signal to power amplifiers and active loudspeakers, while headphones can be connected using a symmetrical 4.4mm Pentaconn headphone output. This derives its signal from a special high-performance headphone amplifier which delivers a very stable voltage and constant current as well as sounding excellent, enabling it to control any dynamic headphones effortlessly, with ample reserves.

Digital inputs

The Digital Connecting Board of the PSD 3100 HV handles the full bandwidth of all modern digital sources: professional AES/EBU, BNC plus optical and co-axial SP/DIF inputs are present, as are two HDMI inputs and one HDMI output. All of them enable the user to connect any type of external source, such as set-top boxes, disc mechanisms and memory devices. The IPA-LINK socket is intended for connection to our PDT 3100 HV reference SACD disc mechanism, whose data it handles in full resolution; in contrast to the SP/DIF inputs it therefore also copes with SACD files. The USB B (Device Mode) input based on the Thesycon chip provides a means of processing ultra-high resolution formats from the PC up to DSD 512 and PCM 768 by means of subsequent converter modules.

Path Separation Technology

We are firm believers in utterly faithful sound reproduction, for this is the only method of conveying the intention of the performer, without adding or subtracting anything. This means that the converters have a crucial role to play, since they are required to restore the original analogue music from the digital data whilst remaining as close to the original as possible. That is why we honour the fundamental sonic differences between the current digital audio formats of PCM and DSD, by using dedicated converters for each format, instead of opting for one converter to handle both formats. We term that technological feat Path Separation Technology:. PCM formats are converted using our double differential quadruple converter at up to 32 bit / 768 kSps, while DSD formats employ the unique T+A True 1-bit DSD D/A converter at up to DSD 512 (24.6 MHz).

Converters & Filters

The goal of the PSD 3100 HV is to deliver a breath-taking level of resolution, dynamism, linearity and freedom from distortion, even when dealing with critical passages and minute musical details. Therefore, the PCM quadruple converter features a double symmetrical circuit with eight 32-bit BurrBrown converters, which correct non-linearities at an above-average standard, and reduce the already minimal residual noise by a further 6 dB. Despite being a high-performance audiophile instrument, the quadruple converter is also able to be tuned to the listener’s taste: Various oversampling algorithms, give the user the opportunity to fine-tune the system’s sound characteristics individually in terms of timing and frequency range. Four filter types are available; the Bezier filters developed by us in-house have optimum timing, and no trace of oscillation in the analogue signal.
Our T+A True 1-Bit DSD converter is also absolutely unique because it broke with convention: standard converters process DSD signals by converting them into PCM and reproducing them in PCM mode. In our opinion this process causes the innate quality of DSD recordings to be lost. We therefore developed the True 1-Bit DSD converter: this circuit handles the DSD data in native form rather than converting them, and completely retains the audible advantages of a bitstream.



Frequency response +0 /-3dB

0,5 Hz - 300 kHz

Signal / noise ratio

108 / 112 dB

THD | Intermodulation | Channel separation

< 0,001 % | < 0,001 % | > 108 dB

Nominal input sensitivity
High level (RCA)

250 mVeff ... 9 Veff / 20 kOhm | 500 mVeff ...18 Veff / 40 kOhm

Analogue output RCA | XLR

nom 1 Veff, max 9,5 Veff / 20 Ohm | nom 1,45 Veff, max 19,6 Veff / 40 Ohm

Headphone output

Headphone output

4,4 mm Pentaconn (6 Ohms)


Digital inputs

1 x AES-EBU 32...192 kHz / 16-24 Bit
4 x S/P-DIF: 1 x Standard Coax
1 x high quality BNC 32...192 kHz / 16-24 Bit,
2 x optical TOS-Link 32...192 kHz / 16-24 Bit
1 x USB DAC: Device-Mode with max. 768 kSps (PCM) und DSD 512*,
supports asynchronous data transfer.
*DSD512 with Windows PC with appropriate driver installed or Linux PC with 4.4 Kernel or higher only.

2 x USB Master-Mode for USB-Mass storage (Stick or HDD)
2 x HDMI IN, 1 x HDMI OUT with ARC
1 x IPA (LVDS)



Double-Differential-Quadruple-Converter with four 32-Bit Sigma-Delta D/A-Converter per channel. 705,6 / 768 kSps conversion rate


T+A-True-1Bit DSD D/A-Converter, up tp DSD 512 (24,5 MHz), native bitstream

Upsampling (PCM)

T+A-Signalprocessor – synchronous upsampling
with 4 selectable oversampling algorithms
FIR short, FIR long, Bezier/IIR, Bezier

Analogue filter

Phase-linear Bessel filter 3rd order, switchable
with 60 or 120 kHz cut off frequency

Frequency response

PCM 44.1 kSps: 2 Hz - 20 kHz
PCM 48 kSps: 2 Hz - 22 kHz / DSD 64: 2 Hz - 44 kHz
PCM 96 kSps: 2 Hz - 40 kHz / DSD 128: 2 Hz - 60 kHz
PCM 192 kSps: 2 Hz - 80 kHz / DSD 256: 2 Hz - 80 kHz
PCM 384 kSps: 2 Hz - 100 kHz / DSD 512: 2 Hz - 100 kHz
PCM 768 kSps: 2 Hz - 120 kHz


< 0.001 %

S/N ratio

> 117 dB

Channel separation

> 110 dB

Streaming Client

Streaming Client

Streaming client module 3rd generation with Quad Core processor


Internet Radio

Airable Internet Radio Service (> 11000 Stationen weltweit)


87,5 - 108 MHz; sensitivity 1 µV; S/N > 65 dBA


168 -240 MHz (Band III); sensitivity 2,0 µV, S/N > 96 dBA


RDS/RDBS, Stationname (PS), Programm type (PTY), Radiotext (RT)


Bluetooth Standard / Codec

A2DP (Audio), AVRCP 1.4 (Control) / aptX® HD, SBC, AAC

Mains / Accessories / Dimensions


2 x 110-120 V or 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz.
Operation: 30 W digital / 40 W analogue, Standby: < 0,5 W


< 0,5 W

Dimensions (H x W x D) / Weight

17 x 46 x 46 cm / 26 kg


2x power cord, remote control F 3100, BNC adapter


silver laquer 47 or titanium laquer 64



Catalogue PSD 3100 HV

User manual

User manual PSD 3100 HV


MusicNavigator G3 App

Operation with a computer / Firmware

Driver for Windows
Installation manual
Versions Info

Roon Ready

Update your PSD 3100 HV to the latest firmware. Select the "Device Info" menu item in the device configuration menu. Now select "Update" and confirm the set selection "WEB". Wait until the update is finished. Make sure that your PC and your PSD 3100 HV are connected to the same network. Next, sign up for a Roon membership and download Roon for your PC or MAC. You can also download the Roon app for Android or iOS devices. If you operate the PSD 3100 HV in a system group please update these devices as well.


'Plays with AUDIRVANA' hardware products are certified to play music from Audirvana software over USB or network with the best level of integration and audio performance.

License information PSD 3100 HV


Audio Polen 10/2024

T+A PSD 3100 HV

Den gesamten Testbericht lesen...

Fidelity 6/2024

Musik ohne Ballast

Am Ende meiner Hördurchgänge war ich glatt geneigt, den PSD 3100 HV als "T+M - Technik und Musik" zu betiteln. Pragmatisch gesehen ist er die Antwort auf alle digitalen Musikfragen  - von Internetradio über Streaming bis hin zur Einbindung des Fernsehers bewältigt er praktisch jeden denkbaren Bedarf im Alleingang. Er lässt sich ebenso gerne im Verbund mit einem Paar Aktivlautsprecher als Komplett-Setup betreiben wie zwischen externen Quellen und einem Paar dicker Monoblöcke zu einer ausgewachsenen Kette erweitern. Vor allem aber bewegt er sich nicht nur klanglich auf Referenzniveau - wer einmal den zugegebenermaßen satten Betrag investiert, wird sich mindestens für ein Jahrzehnt zurücklehnen können.

Den gesamten Testbericht lesen...

Hi-Fi News 5/2024

PSD 3100 HV

This latest addition to the HV series will only further cement T+A´s reputation for high-quality engineering and pristine sound. The lack of an analogue XLR input is perhaps unfortunate, but otherwise the PSD 3100 HV is well connected, operationally smart and built to last a lifetime. And while it´s a natural partner for the company´s HV power amp, the insightful sound should pair well with anything.

Audio-Stereoplay 4/2024

Nichts ist unmöglich

Der PSD 3100 HV ist ein unangreifbarer Alleskönner mit einem bisweilen schon unheimlichen Fähigkeitssprektrum an der vordersten Digitalfront. Er glänzt mit einer gediegenen Bauweise und einfacher Bedienung. Großes Kompliment an Herford.

Den gesamten Testbericht lesen...

Stereo 8/2023

Exciting In Every Respect

T+A fulfills the desire of many fans for a streaming preamp with extensive features, technical sophistication and high-end sound clearly below the price point of the ultimate big brother.

The complete review...