The Pre-amplifier-Streaming-DAC
The PSD 3100 HV was developed with the requirement to combine the performance of our finest pre-amplifiers and converters with the convenience of use of a multi-source player. With an array of professional digital inputs, FM, FM-HD, DAB+ radio, Bluetooth and Connect services, and streaming for local and global Internet and network sources, the PSD 3100 HV is capable of directly converting everything digital into top-quality analogue signals. As such it can be considered as the consistent audiophile answer to all those whose music collection has left the age of the CD behind. The PSD 3100 HV is the universal control centre for a High-End system, requiring only the connection of suitable power amplifiers or active loudspeakers. At the same time the device embodies our uncompromising scientific methodology: optimum reproduction quality without harmful interaction between the various analogue and digital sub-assemblies is only possible in a multi-function device if it is based on unique technologies and our many decades of expertise.